When most people think of nail problems, they typically associate them with fungal infections. Although fungal infections tend to be quite common, there are a wide assortment of issues that you could develop. It should also be noted that some nail problems come about due to lifestyle habits such as nail biting. Knowing about the different types of nail problems will make you better placed at discerning what could be wrong with your nail so you can seek the proper care. So what are some of the common nail problems that you could develop?

Discolouration of your nail

When your nail is healthy and normal, it will have a pale, pinkish hue. The top part of your nail that grows out is white because it is not connected to your fingers' vascular system. In the event you begin to notice discoloration of your nails, it is prudent to seek medical assistance. Some of the various causes of nail discoloration include injury, liver disease, subungual melanomas, blood toxicity, renal failure and some drugs administered during chemotherapy.


This bacterial infection typically manifests in the fold of your nail. There are a number of reasons why you may develop this nail problem. Most commonly, it will come about when your hands are constantly exposed to water. However, you could also develop paronychia if you are prone to nail-biting or if your nails are manicured improperly. When you develop paronychia, the nail bed will become inflamed. If paronychia is left unchecked, your finger could start to swell, and you would find it difficult to use your hand.

Trauma to your nail

Trauma to your nail occurs when your finger has been exposed to excessively high impact. If the trauma is mild, you may only have to deal with a bruised and swollen finger. However, if the injury is severe, then your nail could acquire several forms of damage. The severe impact could cause you to lose your nail plate, which will cause your entire nail to come off. You may also find that the nail is lifted, typically due to the formation of a subungual hematoma beneath the nail bed. Trauma can also cause deformities of the nail, such as ridging.


With this nail problem, you find that your nail gradually becomes lifted off the nail bed. This lifting is typically caused by an infection and will cause your nail to turn a yellowish hue. Some of the reasons why people develop onycholysis include excessive picking of your fingernails, a fungal infection, anaemia and more.

If you're worried that you may have a medical problem, contact a doctor for assistance.
